Monday, October 5, 2009

"N" is for Down Syndrome


Sometimes it's quite easy to be negative when you get news that you aren't expecting. In fact, it's quite easy to be negative and remain negative when life doesn't work out exactly how you 'planned' it.

But one thing I have learned over the years--even before Camden arrived--is that life always will turn out differently than you planned. That's just how it goes. And it really comes down to how we handle those times when life throws you a curve ball--that truly determines what you're made of.

Earlier this year, the big guy upstairs definitely threw our family a curve ball by letting us know that Camden would have Ds. Yes, this affected us quite a bit at first--those first 3 weeks or so were quite the emotional roller coaster ride. But, instead of continuing with that negative thought pattern, we pulled ourselves up--with the help of friends and family--and decided that we could do this. Just because Camden would have an extra chromosome didn't meant we'd love her any less. Just because she may have delays in some areas, doesn't mean we'd be any less proud of her accomplishments.

Yes, it's easy to be negative in life, but you know what? It's really just as easy to be positive, even in the face of defeat. Sure, sometimes it's easier said than done, but in the long run, one's life will be that much better and more enjoyable by replacing those negative thoughts with positive ones and truly believing that you can handle whatever life throws your way.

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