Friday, October 2, 2009

"D" is for "Down syndrome"

Okay, so it's day two of my commitment to 31-for-21 and I was thinking of something to write about...and I keep coming back to taking each letter of Down syndrome (Ds) and writing a little snippit of it--based upon my life of just finding out that I'd be having a daughter with Ds and my life since I've become more educated about Ds.

Before: "D" stood for doubt/defeat. I'll never forget the various emotions I went through earlier this year when my wife, Jenny, and I received confirmation from the amnio that Camden would indeed have Ds. As any parent who has gone through this process has undoubtedly experienced, the first few days/weeks were very dark. Looking back I attribute this doubt to the fact that I really had no idea what having a child with Down syndrome meant. To me, I just pictured all the things that Camden wouldn't be able to do--aka defeat. She wouldn't be able to talk, to walk, to play, etc. to function as any 'normal' kid is able to.

I feel very foolish for feeling the way that I did back then. I am typically a very positive thinking person--at least I try to be, even in the face of defeat. However, this was something very new and very scary to me, all because I did not really know about Ds. I was misinformed, much like many people who are not involved with someone who has Ds are.

After: "D" now stands for determination. I am truly blessed to have such a strong support system in my life. First and foremost, my wife Jenny. I know at times she questions things as well, but after taking some time for us to work through our emotions and really talking about this, I found strength from her in knowing that we could do this. Our families also provided the additional strength that we needed, reassuring us that even with Ds, Camden would touch our lives in ways we could never imagine. Having the opportunity to talk to some wonderful, wonderful folks at the Ds Clinic at Children's Hospital (Akron, Ohio), also helped me to realize that know matter how difficult and challenging things may be at times, that Camden would be more like a 'regular' child than different.

It took some time for me to work through those initial emotions, but having had that experience and opportunity to do so has helped make me a stronger person--one who is more determined than ever to be a better person. Sure, I don't know what the future holds; however, I am more determined than ever that my life will be blessed more than words could ever say, because Jenny and I were presented with a gift from the big guy up above, a gift that included an extra chromosome, one that will make all the difference in this world.

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