Friday, October 23, 2009

"D" is for Down syndrome


As in what Homer Simpson would say. I made a commitment earlier this month to post 31-for-21 and although I started off the month being nice and consistent, the past 2 weeks I haven't been as good, hence the 'Doh'. I will try to be better and end the month on a good note....

However, 'Doh' applied many months ago as well. What turned out to be the first time that Jenny and I found out that Camden's nuchal fold measurement was a bit larger than the doctor would have liked to see. As parents of children with Ds know all too well, there are numerous early markers that may point to increased chances of having a child with Ds. Well the day that we were informed that the nuchal fold was a bit larger than they'd like to see was definitely a 'Doh' moment.

Maybe 'Doh' is a bit harsh, but that's how I felt at the time. You see, Jenny and I had been trying for a couple of years to add to our family. We tried on our own for awhile, had some miscarriages, then we went the route of fertility treatments--all to no avail. At moments it was very frustrating as Jenny and I wanted nothing more than to have a baby. One month after a failed fertility session, we found out Jenny was pregnant with Camden.

You see, Jenny is one of those people who seems to know the moment conception takes place. ;o) Ok, maybe that's a stretch, but holy crap she knows right away and after confirming with a pregnancy test or 4 ;o) we were elated. That elation was short lived as it seemed like we were at the doctor's office quite often due to problems--unsuspected bleeding, cramping, etc. And based upon previous miscarriages, we were apprehensive to be excited, just in case something happened. I know that's an awful outlook to have, but with everything we'd been through up to this point, it was our way of survival.

Well, fast forward throw those first 8 weeks or so to the day we had that first nucal measurement and when the doctor shared the news that it was bigger than they'd like to see-- but that didn't necessarily mean anything more than he'd like for us to go to more of an expert--it was like 'Doh'. Why can't we have an easy pregnancy? No complications, everything's perfect, end of story.....

Looking back at what's happened since then, I wouldn't change anything for the world. Up to this point I know how lucky and blessed I've been to have such a loving wife and 2 amazing children already. However, since Camden was born almost 4 months ago, she has touched a place in my heart and soul that I never knew existed. A place that continues to be shaped and molded each day....and I am so honored to be allowed this glimpse into her life so far.

Yes there are many days ahead of us and I know there are plenty of trials and tribulations that we'll encounter, but I know there won't be anymore 'Doh' days in our lives with our little Camden leading the way.

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